Results for 'Philip F. Kennedy'

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  1.  28
    The Discovery at Madāʾin Ṣāliḥ: Myth or Artifact?Muḥammad and the Golden Bough: Reconstructing Arabian MythThe Discovery at Madain Salih: Myth or Artifact?Muhammad and the Golden Bough: Reconstructing Arabian Myth.Philip F. Kennedy & Jaroslav Stetkevych - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):381.
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    Recognition in the Arabic Narrative Tradition: Discovery, Deliverance and Delusion. By Philip F. Kennedy.Todd Lawson - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3).
    Recognition in the Arabic Narrative Tradition: Discovery, Deliverance and Delusion. By Philip F. Kennedy. Edinburgh Studies in Classical Arabic Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016. Pp. xii + 356. $130, £80.
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    Reading Matthew by the Dead Sea: Matthew 8:5–13 in Light of P. Yadin 11.Philip F. Esler - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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  4. Conflict and Identity in Romans: The Social Setting of Paul's Letter.Philip F. Ester - 2003
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    Risk Management: Social Capital and Economic Strategies on Late Roman Estates in Oxyrhynchus.Philip F. Venticinque - 2014 - História 63 (4):463-486.
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  6. New Testament Theology: Communion and Community.Philip F. Ester - 2005
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  7. Lazarus, Mary and Martha: Social-Scientific Approaches to the Gospel of John.Philip F. Esler & Ronald Piper - 2006
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    The Chinese in Indonesia.Philip F. McKean & J. A. C. MacKie - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (3):397.
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    Shock-right discrimination training: Effect of correction training with an enforced delay following an incorrect choice.Philip F. Spelt & Harry Fowler - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):504.
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    Political Oppression in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature.Philip F. Esler - 1993 - Listening 28 (3):181-199.
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    Philosophical Works of Etienne Bonnot, Abbe de Condillac: Volume 1.F. Philip & H. Lane - 1982 - Psychology Press.
    This highly readable translation of the major works of the 18th- century philosopher Etienne Bonnot, Abbe de Condillac, a disciple of Locke and a contemporary of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Diderot, shows his influence on psychiatric diagnosis as well as on the education of the deaf, the retarded, and the preschool child. Published two hundred years after Condillac's death, this translation contains treatises which were, until now, virtually unavailable in English: A Treatise on Systems, A Treatise of the Sensations, Logic.
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    Evaluation of chloroquine as a potent anti‐malarial drug: issues of public health policy and healthcare delivery in post‐war Liberia.Moses B. F. Massaquoi & Stephen B. Kennedy - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (1):83-87.
    Chloroquine-resistant plasmodium falciparum malaria is a serious public health threat that is spreading rapidly across Sub-Saharan Africa. It affects over three quarters (80%) of malarial endemic countries. Of the estimated 300-500 million cases of malaria reported annually, the vast majority of malarial-related morbidities occur among young children in Africa, especially those concentrated in the remote rural areas with inadequate access to appropriate health care services. In Liberia, in vivo studies conducted between 1993 and 2000 observed varying degrees of plasmodium falciparum (...)
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    American transcendentalism: a history.Philip F. Gura - 2007 - New York: Hill & Wang.
    American Transcendentalism is a sweeping narrative history of America's first group of public intellectuals, the men and women who defined American literature and indelibly marked American reform in the decades before and following the American Civil War. Philip F. Gura masterfully traces their intellectual genealogy to transatlantic religious and philosophical ideas, illustrating how these informed the fierce theological debates that, so often first in Massachusetts and eventually throughout America, gave rise to practical, personal, and quixotic attempts to improve, even (...)
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    The early dredgers:?naturalizing? in British seas, 1830?1850.Philip F. Rehbock - 1979 - Journal of the History of Biology 12 (2):293-368.
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    Depth-Psychological Understanding: The Methodologic Grounding of Clinical Interpretations.Philip F. D. Rubovits-Seitz - 1998 - Routledge.
    Although clinical interpretation originated with Freud, the latter's positivist preference for purely observational methods made him ambivalent toward interpretive methods. According to Rubovits-Seitz, the legacy of Freud's positivism still pervades clinical thinking and interferes with progress in investigating and improving interpretive methods. He reviews the paradigm shift in general science from positivism to postpositivism by way of demonstrating the compatibility of interpretive inquiry with a postpositivist approach. Post-Freudian models of clinical interpretation are evaluated, andclinical methods of interpretation are compared with (...)
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  16.  48
    Some reflections on violence and nonviolence.James F. Childress & Joseph P. Kennedy - 1978 - Philosophical Papers 7 (1):1-14.
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    Kohut's Freudian Vision.Philip F. D. Rubovits-Seitz - 2014 - Routledge.
    Heinz Kohut was arguably the most influential modern day psychoanalyst. Because current interest in Kohut's work has focused so completely on self psychology, however, certain aspects of Kohut's thinking, in particular his nonreductive synthesis of Freudian theory, are in danger of being lost. Prior to his development of self psychology, Kohut was a legendary teacher of Freudian theory at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. In this volume, Philip Rubovits-Seitz presents Kohut's previously unavailable lectures from his course on psychoanalytic psychology (...)
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    Models Learning Change.Philip F. Henshaw - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (1):122-141.
    We live in a complex world, made more complex for us by the difficulty of distinguishing between our cultural expectations for how things work and the physical systems we interact with. The environmental systems of nature and the economy are often hard to recognize and constantly change, having behaviors independent of what people think about them. So our rules for systems we come to trust can become highly misleading without notice. That seems to have happened to us, evident in how (...)
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  19.  41
    Advice to Superiors in Early Tertiary Communities: "De sex alis seraphim".Philip F. O'Mara - 1988 - Franciscan Studies 48 (1):81-104.
  20.  24
    Fin-de-siècle Splendor: Repressed Modernities of Late Qing Fiction, 1849-1911Fin-de-siecle Splendor: Repressed Modernities of Late Qing Fiction, 1849-1911. [REVIEW]Philip F. Williams & David Der-wei Wang - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):371.
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    John F. Kennedy on Education.John F. Kennedy & William T. O'hara - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (3):105-106.
  22.  61
    Ancient Salt: The New Rhetoric and the OldThe Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World, 300 B.C.-A.D. 300.The Speeches in Vergil's Aeneid.Generic Composition in Greek and Roman Poetry.Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire.Hermogenes and the Renaissance: Seven Ideas of Style. [REVIEW]Helen F. North, George Kennedy, Gilbert Highet, Francis Cairns, G. W. Bowersock & Annabel M. Patterson - 1974 - Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (2):349.
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    Dominican Spirituality and Liberation Theology.Philip Kennedy - 2003 - Listening 38 (3):236-249.
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    Perception of the speech code.A. M. Liberman, F. S. Cooper, D. P. Shankweiler & M. Studdert-Kennedy - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (6):431-461.
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    Lever biting as an avoidance response.Philip N. Hineline & James F. Harrison - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (4):223-226.
  26. On not being modern: exploring historical ontology with Bruno Latour.Duncan F. Kennedy - 2020 - In Aaron Turner, Reconciling ancient and modern philosophies of history. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Rousseau; stoic and romantic.Kennedy F. Roche - 1974 - London,: Methuen.
    This book, first published in 1974, studies the similarities between Rousseau's thought and that of the Stoics, examining Rousseau's ideas on man, society, the state and government. It makes close reference to Rousseau's writings, and to the works of Seneca and other Stoics, presenting an opportunity to really come to grips with a complex and often contradictory mind.
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    Differential recognition of the right vs. left halves of human faces.Darlene F. Kennedy, Carmella C. Scannapieco, Susan M. Mills & W. J. Carr - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (3):209-210.
  29.  47
    Catullus - Charles Martin: Catullus. Pp. xv + 197. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 1992. £22.Duncan F. Kennedy - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (1):40-41.
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    Additional References to Thomas More in Renaissance England.Richard F. Kennedy - 1984 - Moreana 21 (2):19-24.
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    Primate handedness reconsidered.Peter F. MacNeilage, Michael G. Studdert-Kennedy & Bjorn Lindblom - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):247-263.
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    Interpolation processes in object perception: Reply to Anderson (2007).Philip J. Kellman, Patrick Garrigan, Thomas F. Shipley & Brian P. Keane - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):488-502.
  33. Proceedings of CEPE 2007.Philip Brey, L. Hinman, Luciano Floridi, F. Grodzinsky & Lucas Introna - 2007 - Enschede, Netherlands: Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT).
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    Whitehead’s Doctrine of Eternal Objects and Its Interpretations.Bart F. Kennedy - 1974 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 23:60-86.
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    Vergifnis ter wille van JHWH se Naam.D. F. O’Kennedy - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (2).
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    Primate handedness: A foot in the door.Peter F. MacNeilage, Michael G. Studdert-Kennedy & Bjorn Lindblom - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):737-746.
  37.  12
    Recruitment and Differential Firing Patterns of Single Units During Conditioning to a Tone in a Mute Locked-In Human.Philip Kennedy & Andre J. Cervantes - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:864983.
    Single units that are not related to the desired task can become related to the task by conditioning their firing rates. We theorized that, during conditioning of firing rates to a tone, (a) unrelated single units would be recruited to the task; (b) the recruitment would depend on the phase of the task; (c) tones of different frequencies would produce different patterns of single unit recruitment. In our mute locked-in participant, we conditioned single units using tones of different frequencies emitted (...)
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    A Pathway Into the Holy Scripture.Philip E. Satterthwaite, David F. Wright & Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical and Theological Research - 1994 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    Revised versions of papers presented at the 1994 Tyndale Fellowship jubilee conference held in Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick.
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    Caveat Emptor.F. C. Sharp & Philip G. Fox - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 46 (2):212-222.
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  40. Habituation: A dual-process theory.Philip M. Groves & Richard F. Thompson - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):419-450.
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    Object Interpolation in Three Dimensions.Philip J. Kellman, Patrick Garrigan & Thomas F. Shipley - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (3):586-609.
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    A politics of grace: Hope for redemption in a post‐christendom context by Christiane Alpers, bloomsbury academic, London, 2018, pp. X + 229, £85.00, hbk. [REVIEW]Philip Kennedy - 2019 - New Blackfriars 100 (1089):616-618.
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  43. 12 Specialization.Philip Kennedy - 1975 - In John Allister Vale, Medicine and the Christian mind. London: Christian Medical Fellowship. pp. 120.
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    Histological Confirmation of Myelinated Neural Filaments Within the Tip of the Neurotrophic Electrode After a Decade of Neural Recordings.Marla Gearing & Philip Kennedy - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Voices in Conflict.Duncan F. Kennedy - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (1):88-90.
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    The epistolary mode and the first of Ovid's Heroides.Duncan F. Kennedy - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (02):413-.
    In April 1741 there appeared a slim volume entitled An Apology for the Life of Mrs Shamela Andrews by a certain Mr Conny Keyber, whose name is generally supposed to conceal that of the novelist Henry Fielding. Shamela, to give the book its more familiar title, was a parody of Samuel Richardson's epistolary novel Pamela: or Virtue Rewarded, which had been published to great acclaim the previous year. In a series of letters purportedly sent to each other by the main (...)
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    Mapping the World of IdeasDictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas.F. E. L. Priestley & Philip P. Wiener - 1974 - Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (3):527.
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    Gallus and The Culex.Duncan F. Kennedy - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (02):371-.
    The Culex remains the most bewildering of poems. The consensus of modern opinion holds that it is a deliberate forgery, post-Ovidian in date, purporting to be a work of the youthful Virgil and thus serving to fill the large biographical vacuum in the career of the poet before the publication of the Eclogues. If this is the case, it must be asked why the forger chose to fill that gap with a poem thematically and stylistically so idiosyncratic which nevertheless managed (...)
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    The Invention of Greek Ethnography from Homer to Herodotus by Joseph E. Skinner (review).Rebecca F. Kennedy - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (2):287-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Invention of Greek Ethnography from Homer to Herodotusby Joseph E. SkinnerRebecca F. KennedyJ osephE. S kinner. The Invention of Greek Ethnography from Homer to Herodotus. Greeks Overseas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. xii + 343 pp. Numerous black-and-white figs. Cloth, $85.In his welcome book on the invention of ethnography, Skinner challenges the focus in mainstream scholarship on the Greek prose genre that was first defined by Jacoby (...)
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  50.  44
    John Locke and Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism.Bart F. Kennedy - 1977 - Philosophy Today 21 (4):389-404.
    The article elucidates and defends whitehead's claim that john locke anticipated the main positions of the philosophy of organism. It is argued that the major philosophical categories of locke's epistemology and whitehead's process philosophy perform similar functions. The functional parallels between the mind and the actual entity, Simple ideas and objectified actual entities, Mental operations and concrescence, Ideas and objects, And power and the ontological principle are delineated and examined. The conclusion extends a necessary caveat in assessing the philosophy of (...)
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